Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture - Main Page Awards - Main Page Bilkent University
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA)

Roots of our Faculty goes to Foundation of "Faculty of Arts and Music" in 1984 when Bilkent started. Late Prof. Dr. Altan Günalp was the founding Dean of that Faculty which was abolished in 1987, due to a restructuring. "Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA)" along with "Faculty of Music and Performing Arts" were established in 1987. Prof. Dr. Bülent Özgüç has been the Founding Dean of FADA until 2015.

As a remembrance of our previous deans, pictures of Prof. Günalp and Prof. Özgüç have been prepared and hanged on the wall of meeting room on Nov.21, 2016 during Department Chairs' Meeting. Prof. Özgüç attended the meeting and shared his valuable memories. Acting Dean Prof. Dr. Ayhan Altıntaş along with Department Chairs extended their gratitude for his long and dedicated service and outstanding contributions.