Most Recent Positions
- 1975 - 2010 Honorary Rector
Hacettepe University, Ankara
- 1985 - 2010 Chairman of Board of Trustees and President
Bilkent University, Ankara
- 1992 - 2010 Honorary President
International Pediatric Association (IPA)
- 1992 - 2010 Honorary President
International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE)
- 2003 - 2010 Honorary President
Turkish National Committee for UNICEF, Ankara
- 2007 - 2010 Honorary President
International Children’s Center (ICC), Ankara
Academic Background
- 1938 - Doctor of Medicine
İstanbul University, İstanbul
- 1940 - Specialist in Pediatrics
Numune Hospital, Ankara
- 1945 - 1946 Postgraduate Studies, Pediatrics (15 months)
Graduate School of Medicine, Harvard University, USA
Research Fellow, Pediatrics
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA (6 months)
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA (9 months)
- 1946 - 1947 Research Fellow, Pediatrics
Washington University, St. Louis, USA
- 1947 - 1949 Lecturer, Pediatrics
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
- 1949 - 1955 Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
- 1955 - 1967 Professor of Pediatrics
Ankara University, Ankara
- 1967 - 1981 Professor of Pediatrics
Hacettepe University, Ankara
- 1976 - 1977 Visiting Professor of Pediatrics
Paris Descartes University (Paris V), France
Professional Background
- 1955 - 1981 Director
Hacettepe Institute of Child Health, Ankara
- 1963 - Dean
Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara
- 1963 - 1965 Rector
Ankara University, Ankara
- 1965 - 1967 Chairman of Board of Trustees
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
- 1967 - 1975 Rector
Hacettepe University, Ankara
- 1981 - 1992 President
Council of Higher Education of Turkey
Major Functions in International Organizations
- World Health Organization (WHO)
1946 Signed WHO Constitution at International Health Conference, New York
1966 - 1996 Member of WHO Expert Advisory Panel on the Development of Human Resources for Health (WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Health Manpower until 1990)
1960s - 1970s Served as consultant or temporary advisor to the World Health Organization on mission to Yaoundé (Cameroon), Ife (Nigeria), Brasilia (Brazil) and Sherbrooke (Canada) in connection with medical and health sciences education projects, and to various other countries in connection with WHO seminars, workshops and other meetings
1976 Elected Vice Chairman of the World Health Assembly
1976 - 1981 Head of Turkish Delegation to the World Health Assembly
1979 - 1982 Member of Global Advisory Committee on Medical Research
1979 - 1982 Member of WHO Executive Board
1979 - 1984 Member of Consultative Group on Maternal and Young Child Nutrition
1982 - 1983 Member of Programme Advisory Committee on Maternal and Child Health
1959 - 1999
Member of UNICEF Executive Board, New York
Chairman of the Programme Committee for three terms
Elected Chairman of the Board for two terms
1958 - 2003 President, Turkish National Committee for UNICEF
- International Pediatric Association (IPA)
1968 - 1977 President
1977 - 1992 Executive Director
- International Children’s Center (ICC)
1970 - 1984 Member of the Board, Paris
1999 - 2006 President, Ankara
- International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE)
1981 - 2010 Member of Steering Committee
1981 - 1992 President
- Other
1969 - 1981 Member of Permanent Committee, Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities (CRE)
1982 Honorary Scientific Advisor, International Centre for Childhood Studies
1983 Member of “Comité de Patronage,” International Medical Research Centre of Franceville
1986 - 1999 Member of Administrative Council, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), İstanbul
1993 - 2010 Founder and Honorary President, Union of Turkic Pediatric Societies
1997 - 1998 President, IPA / UNICEF / WHO / FIGO / UNFPA Task Force
2000 - 2010 Member of Board of Regents, International Association for Humanitarian Medicine Brock Chisholm
Honorary Doctoral Degrees
- Ain Shams (Egypt)
- Azerbaijan University of Medicine (Azerbaijan)
- Baghdad (Iraq)
- Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
- Case Western Reserve (USA)
- De Montfort (UK)
- Eastern Mediterranean University (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)
- Glasgow (Scotland)
- Guayaquil (Ecuador)
- Helsinki (Finland)
- Jamia Millia Islamia (India)
- Nebraska (USA)
- Nice (France)
- Soka (Japan)
- University of Rome-La Sapienza (Italy)
- eleven universities in Turkey
Membership in Academies
- Académie Nationale de Médecine (France)
- Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences)
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Azerbaijan National Academy of Science and Arts
- Indian National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Royal Aal al-Bayt Academy (Jordan)
Membership in Professional Societies and Educational Institutions
- All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (Honorary)
- Medical Society of WHO (Honorary)
- Royal College of Physicians, London (Fellow)
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London (Honorary Founder Fellow)
- Société Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris (Membre Correspondant)
- Honorary membership in the pediatric societies of
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, USA, and Uzbekistan.
Awards and Prizes
- 1978 National Award for Distinguished Service, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
- 1981 Léon Bernard Foundation Prize, WHO
- 1986 Christopherson Award, American Academy of Pediatrics
- 1995 Maurice Pate Award, UNICEF
- 1995 Soranos Award for Science and Friendship (Greece)
- 1998 Council of Europe “Peace, Justice and Tolerance” Prize (The other two laureates were Franz Cardinal König and Simon Wiesenthal.)
- 1999 Health and Education Award for Merit (Turkey)
- 2000 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Distinguished Service Award (Turkey)
- 2004 Dr. Jushichiro Naito International Childcare Award (Japan)
- 2007 Turkish Grand National Assembly Honor Prize
- 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award of Excellence in Global Health, World Federation of Public Health Associations
- 2009 Award of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences
- 1976 Gran Oficial, Orden del Mérito de Duarte, Sánchez y Mella (Dominican Republic)
- 1977 Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (France)
- 1978 Order of Homayoun First Class (Iran)
- 1979 First Rank Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland
- 1989 First Rank Commander of the Order of Merit of Poland
- 1989 Médaille de la Ville de Paris
- 1990 Gran Cruz Placa de Plata de la Orden Heráldica de Cristóbal Colón (Dominican Republic)
- 1995 State Medal for Outstanding Merit (Turkey)
- 1997 State Medal of Merit (Romania)
- 1997 WHO Health-For-All Gold Medal
- 2000 First Rank Order of Independence (Azerbaijan)
- 2000 Order of the Cross of St. Mary’s Land (Estonia)
- 2005 Order of Haydar Aliyev (Azerbaijan)
- 2005 Sevda Cenap And Music Foundation Honor Award Gold Medal
- 2009 Medal of Recognition, Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- 2009 Medal of the Egyptian People’s Assembly
Over 100 articles in professional periodicals, mainly on pediatrics, public health and medical education
Chapters in Books
- “Care of Mother and Child.” Health of Mankind. London: Churchill, 1967.
- “Child labour: an overview.” Child Labour: A Threat to Health and Development. (Iketsetseng Series on the Health and Welfare of Children, No. 1). Geneva: Defence for Children, 1981, 1985.
- “Ethical considerations in the advancement of medical science and technology as reflected in research in pediatrics". Medical Science and the Advancement of World Health. New York: Praeger, 1985.
- “Metabolic disorders,” “The Abdomen and the gastrointestinal tract,” “The genito-urinary system.” Pediatrics. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1969, 1975, 1984, 1990.
- “Porphyrias and porphyrin metabolism.” Advances in Pediatrics. Vol. XIII. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1964.
- “Probleme von auslaendischer Arbeitnehmer.” Die Kinder auslaendischer Arbeitnehmer (Fortschritte der Sozialpediatrie). Vol 5. Munich, Vienna, Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg, 1980.
- Annenin Kitabı (Book for Mothers). 1952. (15th ed. Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş., 2003)
- Günümüzde Rektör Seçimi ve Atama Krizi: Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim Yönetimine Bir Bakış (Contemporary Rector Selection and Appointment Crisis: A Glance at Governance in Higher Education in Turkey and the World). Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş., 2000.
Revised and updated ed.: Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim Yönetimi (Governance in Higher Education in Turkey and the World). Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş., 2007.
- Prematüre Bebek Bakımı. (Premature Baby Care). Ankara: Örnek Matbaası, 1954.
Editorial Activities
- 1958-1993 Editor, The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, Ankara
- 1963-1980 Consulting editor, Clinical Pediatrics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 1975-1985 Editor, Bulletin of the International Pediatric Association, Ankara
- 1958 Established Hacettepe Institute of Child Health and Children’s Hospital.
- 1961 Established first School of Nursing at university level in Turkey.
- 1961 Established first School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Turkey.
- 1962 Established first School of Dietetics and Nutrition in Turkey.
- 1963 Established Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ankara, introducing an integrated teaching system in medicine.
- 1963 Contributed to establishment of Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine in Erzurum.
- 1967 Established Hacettepe University in Ankara.
- 1973 Contributed to establishment of Karadeniz University Trabzon Faculty of Medicine in Trabzon.
- 1981-1992 In his capacity as President of the Council of Higher Education of Turkey, contributed to establishment of Erciyes University in Kayseri, Ondokuz Mayis University in Samsun, Cumhuriyet University in Sivas, and Anadolu University in Eskisehir.
- 1984 Established Bilkent University in Ankara, the first foundation university in the country, with the intention of making it a centre of excellence.
Philanthropic Foundations He Established
- İhsan Doğramacı Foundation, Ankara
- İhsan Doğramacı Education Foundation, Ankara
- İhsan Doğramacı Science and Research Foundation,Ankara
- İhsan Doğramacı Health Foundation, Ankara
- İhsan Doğramacı Family Health Foundation, Geneva
- İhsan Doğramacı Erbil Foundation, Ankara - Erbil
International Publications in Which Biographical Note Appears
- 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, Dictionary of International Biography, International Medical Who’s Who, International Scholar’s Directory, International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, Men of Achievement, Minerva, The International Who’s Who, Two Thousand Men of Achievement, Who’s Who in Europe, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who’s Who in the Middle East and North Africa, Who’s Who in the World.
Books on His Life and Achievements
- Akman, Muvaffak. Yaşantımda Hacettepe ve Sonrası: Bir Emekli Rektörün Anıları (My Life at Hacettepe and Beyond: Memories of a Retired Rector). Yalova: Emek Ofset, 1995. Reprinted Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş., 1997.
- Ertuğ, Celal. Türkiye’de ve Dünyada İhsan Doğramacı Olayı (The İhsan Doğramacı Phenomenon in Turkey and the World). Istanbul: Komat Matbaacılık, 1996. (Translated into Azeri Turkish.)
- Okyay, Erdoğan, ed. İhsan Doğramacı ve Çağdaş Universite (İhsan Doğramacı and the Modern University). Ankara: Sevda Cenap And Müzik Vakfı Yayınları, 2006. Revised ed. 2007.
- Özsoylu, Şinasi. İhsan Doğramacı ile 40 Yıl (40 Years with İhsan Doğramacı). Ankara: Özkan Matbaacılık, 1995.
- Phillips, Sir Horace. İhsan Doğramacı: A Remarkable Turk. York: Wilton 65, 1997. 2nd ed. 1998. (Translated into French, German, Polish and Russian.)
- Türmen, Tomris and Jane G. Schaller, comp. Children in His Heart, Youth on His Mind: Tributes to İhsan Doğramacı in Honour of His Sixty-Five Years of Service to Child Health and Education. York: Wilton 65, 2003.
- Yurdakök, Murat and Gülsev Kale, ed. Hocabey ile Anılar (Memories with “Hocabey”). Ankara: Alp Ofset Matbaacılık, nd.
- In addition to Turkish, his mother tongue, Arabic, English, French, German and Persian.
- Born in Erbil, April 3, 1915.
- Married to Ayser Süleyman (1942), three children, six grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren
Books on His Life and Achievements
Memories of My Ninety Years
Press After İhsan Doğramacı
Bilkent University Newspaper Prof. İhsan Doğramacı Special Issue (PDF*) |